In the darkest night
I remember
There you were, squatting
On the pavement
Staring at the sky
Staring away your bad day
"Why is it hard"
You say (as if to the black of the night)
"to tell the one you love the most, how much you love them?"
I'm dumbstruck
Love? What is that?
I ask myself, but then
I say it out loud
"What's love?"
You play with the crumpled leaves
"It's warmth on a cold day
Sleeping in the same room but opposite directions the next
It's snorting galaxies because you're so unafraid and strong
Kneeling with your sanity offered at someone's feet later
It's haste and speed
As slow as time too
It's everything, it's nothing, it's flowing, glowing, growing"
You cough
And I stare at you
And wander away, because you're strange
And this was a strange conversation
"Love" I scoff
As I look for a home that night